Andrea Bonderup
99% Pure Potent Energy, SLURP, SLURP!
Patriarchy is here to stay, if you can´t beat them join them!
Craving some of that sweet and potent masculine energy? With an almost infinite amount of
proof, I can guarantee you that the one thing that will get you places is that big dick energy. It has been known to man since the beginning of time that having a dangling piece of meat between
your legs is the easiest way to success. Unfortunately, not everyone has been lucky enough to be born this way, but don’t worry with 99% Pure Potent Energy you too can get a part of the action.One sip at a time you can get closer to the job of your dreams, powerful political positions, being a board member or even a CEO, you name it, only the sky is the limit! Would you like to have your
voice heard in a discussion, being asked for non-emotional advice, having an opinion that matters, or simply just get immediate respect from people? Then start sipping away. 99% Pure Potent Energy consists of the purest and most potent big dick energy with only 1% of the inevitable toxicity and fragility. But don’t let the 1% toxicity and fragility scare you off! With the amount of
arrogance and ignorance the product gives you I promise you that it won’t affect you in the slightest.
Take a sip and get one step closer to living the life you always dreamt of!
99% Pure Potent Energy is a sarcastic comment on sexism and patriarchy. Two things that are very
real, omnipresent and permeating the structures of the world we live in.
Glimpses of Home
Home to me was never place specific but more a state that emerges from being a part of a community and in close contact with the surrounding nature. I always admired people who are brave enough to leave the set path of how they are “supposed” to live and instead decide to form alternative homes and communities outside the established society. Germany has a long tradition for alternative living ranging from squadded buildings to bauwagens, tree huts, caravans etc. With this project I decided to visit some of these different alternative communities in- and around Cologne to try and get a glimpse of what living can also look like and to see I could find the sensation of home in any of these places.