Michał Kucharski  

featured in As Above, So Below

I didn’t look down too often


Sometimes I don’t want to say anything, but my body is talking anyways, and I can’t stop it. Why is the body unconsciously performing the role it was taught by outdated social norms? I remember hearing from others how to be a “real man” but is it what I want to say?

Through movement and muscle tension that create sound, I listen to the monologue of the body and let it speak on its own. In the video installation, together with a performer, I visualize questions about behaviour that is expected from men, that I couldn’t ask myself before.

Previous work

from Trickle Publication

In Another Time

What would my life look like if I made different decisions?
My memories are flowing seamlessly from one into another. It feels like I’m unaware of which decisions ended up shaping my life. In Cologne, I spent every day with a different stranger, pretending this is my daily life.